Creating an account

To create your Paykel Trust Repository account, complete the form that appears when you visit the website.


* *Salutation*: As you type into this field, matching options will appear for you to select.

* *Email*: Ensure your email address is accurate; it will be used to advise the progress of funding applications.

* *Institution*: As you type into this field, matching options will appear for you to select.

* *Username*: Choose a memorable username, you\'ll need it to log into your account.

* *Password*: This must be at least seven characters long and both entries must be identical.

When you\'ve completed the form and clicked the _Create my account_ button you will be advised of any errors. Common errors are uncompleted mandatory fields and usernames which have already been assigned to other applicants. After resolving any errors, an email message will be sent to the email address you\'ve provided confirming the details of your new account.

Account validation

* Your username must be unique.

* Your email address must be unique. If there\'s an existing account with your email address you can use the _I\'ve forgotten my password_ link to retrieve it. If you can\'t remember your existing username you can contact the Paykel Trust administrators.



If you can\'t find exactly what you need to know, send an email message to [, the Paykel Trust administrator].

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